Showing posts with label rituals of janmashtmi 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals of janmashtmi 2010. Show all posts

22 April, 2010

Janmashtami Festival


  Radhe Radhe japo chale aayenge beehari
Aayenge bihari chale aayenge beehari
Radhe Radhe

This is one of the famous songs that people sing on the occasion of Janmashtami, the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna the eighth avatar (Incarnation) of Lord Vishnu. This religious festival is celebrated all over India in the month of August/September on the ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the eighth day in the month of Bhadon according to the Hindu calendar with great devotion and zeal. Janmashtami is also known as Gokulashtami, Krishnasthami, Srijayanti.

 The Janmashtami of Mathura and Vrindavan, the places where Lord Krishna had spent his childhood, are famous all over the world. Devotees from across the world come to these pious places to celebrate Janmasthami. On this auspicious occasion, temples and homes are beautifully decorated and illuminated. Night long prayers are offered and religious hymns are sung in temples. The priests chant holy mantras and bath the idol with Panchamrit which comprises of Gangajal (water from the holy Ganges River), milk, ghee (clarified butter), curd, and honey pouring all these from a conch shell. After this bath the idol of the infant Krishna (also known as Balmukund) is placed in a cradle. Devotional songs and dances mark the celebration of this festive occasion all over Northern India.

The temples especially in Vrindavan witness an extravagant and colourful celebration on this occasion. Raslila is performed to recreate incidents from the life of Krishna and to commemorate his love for Radha. 

“Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya
Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha
Abhyuthanam Adharmasya
Tadatmanam Srijami Aham”

 A shloka taken from Bhagvat Gita where Shri Krishna while addressing Arjuna say,s “Whenever there is decay of righteousness, O! Bharata and a rise of unrighteousness, then I will manifest myself”. And so did he.

As mentioned in this shloka and also according to the legends, the birth of Lord Krishna took place under extraordinary circumstances. He was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who comes to the world to get rid of all evil demons.

He was born at midnight stroke on a dark, rainy night to 'Devaki' and 'Vasudev' who had been imprisoned by Devaki's brother Kansa.

It had been foretold that the eighth son of Devaki would kill the evil king Kansa. Upon hearing this prophesies, Kansa had his sister put into prison.

He killed her seven children one by one but when Krishna was born, there was divine intervention to save the life of baby Krishna.

The guards had fallen into deep slumber and were unable to inform their master about the newborn child.

An heavenly voice commanded Vasudev to take the baby to Gokul and exchange with the newborn baby of Nanda and Yashoda. The shackles and the prison gates opened miraculously and Vasudev carried the child in a small basket, through the waters of Yamuna. As it was a dark stormy night, the waters of
Yamuna were raging but parted to let the carrier of the divine Krishna pass. A huge snake known as Adisesha with 2000 hoods, glided behind them, its hoods formed a protective canopy over the child.

When Vasudev returned back with Nanda's child the shackles fastened and the doors closed and the guards awakened. Kansa came and picked up the child to hurl it to the wall and kill him but somehow the baby slipped from his grasp and took the form of a Goddess laughing at Kansa, she vanished after telling him that the one who would kill him had already taken birth and was elsewhere. This Goddess was Yogmaya.

As a little boy, Krishna was the heartbeat of Gokul, a mischievous prankster who was favourite amongst the gopikas. He used to steal curd and butter from the houses of gopikas. Even though he was a child, he performed several miracles. His exploits are now the immortal legends of Braj. He killed a number of 'asuras'(devils), vanquished the Kali Nag and later he killed Kansa as it had been foretold.

Janamastami – the birth date of Lord Krishna is thus celebrated by Hindus mainly all over the globe.

Birth of Lord Krishna

According to the Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna took birth in the most auspicious composition of stars, and, on the eighth day of Bhadrapad month (Ashtmi).

That is why this festival that celebrates the birth of Shri Krishna is called Janamashtmi. According to the Christian calendar, it is celebrated in the months of July-August and in 2009 it will fall on 14th August.

An Auspicious Day:

Lord Krishna was born in the “Rohini” Nakshatra (star), which is considered to be very auspicious as it is supervised by Lord Brahma.

The celebration of Janmashtami lasts for two days, as it was midnight when Lord Krishna was born. The First day is called “Krishnashtmi” and the Second day “Kalashtmi”.

There are also times when Ashtmi and the Rohimi Nakshtra don’t conspire on the same day.

Environment of happiness:

Krishna’s birth is synonymous with happiness and joy as, when Devaki was about to give birth to Krishna her face radiated and all walls of the prison lighted up, rivers were swollen up with water and all birds and animals were chirping and rejoicing.

To feel the same happiness Krishna’s devotees all over the world, are awake throughout the night and chant mantras with a belief that it will fall on Krishna’s ears.


On Janamashtmi, devotees keep daylong fasts and keep themselves awake while chanting
Midnight is the moment when Lord Krishna was born. The prayer ceremony is a simple affair.

The priests chant holy mantras and bathe the idol of Lord Krishna placed on a swing with Panchamrit made of milk, ghee (clarified butter), curd, honey and sugar from a conch shell and Ganga-jal (water from the holy Ganges River).

Common Janmashtami customs followed across the world includes fasting and chanting of mantras, but, Mathura, Vrindavan, Dwarka and Mumbai follow some additional traditions and rituals as a part of Janmashtami celebrations. Some of them are:
'bhajans', until midnight follows.


Most devotees fast for the entire day on Janmashtami as an    integral part of celebration. There are two common and    popular types of fast undertaken by different devotees,   namely:

  1. “Phalhaar Vrat”:

    This kind of fast allows the intake of juices, milk products, tea etc without the intake of cereals. One time food intake comprising of food made with vegetables and “Senda Namak” is allowed.
  2. “Nirjal Vrat”:

    As according to many traditions fasting is considered an integral part and from of showing devotion to Lord, some devotees undertake a fast without the intake of even water.
Fasting Foods:

Lord Krishna was supposed to be fond of Milk, curd, butter    and other forms of milk products , thus, having an intake of    milk products on the day of Janmashtmi is very auspicious.    Other food intakes can be:
  1. Pedha
  2. Makhane ki Kheer
  3. Shrikhand
  4. Singhare ki puri
  5. Coconut ki barfi
  6. Sabudana Khichdi
  7. Kuttu ka paratha

Krishna’s birth (Janam) is associated with extreme joy, festivity and jubilation. As it was a   mid-night birth and a very auspicious composition of stars according to Hindu mythology,   chanting of Mantras, singing Bhajans, offering Aarti is popularly adopted.

A common practice of celebration on Janmashtami involves the chanting of 108 names ofLord Krishna, along with, showering of flowers on the idol of Krishna.    
“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare”

   Is a very popular chanting mantra of lord Krishna.

Name of krishna

Many followers and devotees of Lord Krishna on the day of Janmashtmi and otherwise also chant the different names of Lord Krishna with some musical instrument like “Manjeera”, or flute.

This chanting is supposed to relieve the human mind from all sorts of negativity and stress. It is also a form of meditation.

Popular Names of Lord Krishna with their Meanings 
Krishna One that brings joy
Jagannath Lord of the whole World
Parampurush The supreme one
Dwarkadhish Dwarka’s king
Vasudev Vasudev’s son
Devki Nandan Devki's son
Govinda Lord Of Cows
Gopal Protector of Cows
Parthasarthi Arjuna’s Chariot driver
Muralidhar Who plays flute
Mathura Naresh King of Mathura
Damodar tied with a grinding Stone
Niranjan who is honorable
Sanatan The eternal one
Anant The infinite
Ajay All victorious
Murari Enemy of Mura (the demon)
KamalNath Kamla (Goddess Lakshmi's) Husband
Punya Meritorious
Lila-Manush-Vigraha Assums human form
Shrivastav Kausthuba-Dharya Wearing Shri Vatsa and Kausthubha Gem
Yashoda-Vatsalya Mother Yashoda's child
Hari Shri Hari
Chaturbuja-Chakra-gada-Shankhadhyay Four armed
Shrisay Abode of Shri (Lakshmi)
Nandgopa Priyatmaj Nanda Gopa's darling child
Yamuna Vega Samhar Destroyer of speed of River yamuna
Balbhadra Pariyanuj Balram's younger brother
Putana Jivit haraya Destroyer of putana(demoness)
Shakatsura Bhanjanaya Destroyer of Shakatasur (demon)
Nandvraja jana nandin One bringing joy to Nand and people of Braj
Sachidanand Vigraha Awareness and bliss
Navanit Viliptanga whose body is slandered with butter
Ananghaya sinless one
Navanit navaharaya Inventor of new form of food- Butter
Muchukunda Prasadkaya who blessed king Muchukund
Shodasha sthri sahasreshaya Lord of 16,000 wives
Tribhanji lalitakritaye who possesed bent in 3 places
Sukavag Amritabhdhindave Ocean of nectar
Yogi Pataye Lord of yogis
Avyaktaya who is difficult to comprehend
Punya-Shlokaya Lord whose praise bestows meritorious
Tirthapadaya With holy feet
Vedvedayaya Souce of Vedas
Yagnabhoktre  who consumed sacrificial offerings
Paratpataya highest of the highest
Gopa Gopishvaraya Lord of gopas and gopis
Yogine Greatest Yogi
Koti surya samaprabha someone who is as lustrous as a million suns
Ilapataye Lord of Earth
Vanamaline One wearing a garland
Parasmai jyotish with a supreme light
Yadavendraye Lord of Yadavs
Yadudvataya Leader of Yadus
Pita vasase Who wears yellow robes
Parijatapa Harakaya who removed Parijath Flower
Govardhanchalo Dhartreya Lifter of Govardhan Hill
Sarva palakaya Protector of all beings
Niranjan The untainted one
Kama janakaye One generating desires in worldly mind
Kancha lochanaya Who possess beautiful eyes
Madhughne Killer of Madhu- demon
Brindavane sancarine One roaming in Brindavan city
Baline All powerful Lord
Syamantake maner hartre who stole Syamantaka Gem
Nara Narayanatmakaya who has twin form of nar and Narayan
Kubja Krishtambharadharya who applied ointment by Kubja
Mayine Lord of maya
Mushtikasura Chanura mallayudha-visharadaya One who is an expert wrestler, killed two demons Mushtikasura and Chanura
Kamsaraye Enemy of  Kansa
Narakantakaya Destroyer of Naraka (demon)
Anadi Brahmacharine Beginning less absolute
Krishna Vyasana Karshakaya Who Removed Draupadi's distress
Shishupala Shirascratte Remover of Shishupal's head
Duryodhana Kulantakaya Destroyer of Duryodhana's dynasty
Vidurakrura Varadaya Giver of boon to Vidur and Akrur
Vishwarupa Pradarshakaya Revealer of Vishwasrup (Universal form)
Satyavacha Speaker of truth
Satya sankalp Lord of true resolve
Satyabhama Rataya Lover of Satyabhama
Jayine The ever victorious Lord
Subhadra purvajaya Brother of Subhadra
Vishnava To Lord Vishnu
Bhishma mukti Pradayakaya One who bestowed salvation to Bhishma
Jagadguruve venunada visharad One expert in playing of flute music
Vrishabhasura vidhvamsine Destoyer of demon Vrishbasura
Yudhishthira pratishthatre One who established Yudhisthira as a king
Sarvagraha Rupine To all-formed one
Dayanidhaye One who is treasure of compassion
Sarvabhutat makaya Soul of elements
Jalakrida samashaka gopi vastra pararakaya Lord who hid gopi's clothes while they were playing in river Yamuna
Parabrahmane A supreme brahman
Barhi Barhavatamsakaye One who adorns peacock feathers
Pannagashana vahanaya Having serpent Adishesha as his seat
Danavendra Vinashak Destroyer of Lord of Asuras
Gitamrita Mahodadhaye An ocean containing nectar of Bhagwad Gita
Kaliyaphani Manikya ranjita shri Padambhujaya Lord whose lotus feet adorn gems from hood of Kaliya serpent

Ceremony of dahi-handi :
Popularly followed in the cities of Mathura, Dwarka,Vrindavan and Mumbai, the ritual of Dahi-handi is an enactment of Lord Krishna trying to grab butter from the pot (handi), by young boys. As Krishna was fond of butter (Maakhan), this tradition brings lot of fun, frolic and emotions with it.
  1. How is it performed?

    In an earthen pot, milk is put with some ghee, and, dry fruits, which is then suspended on a height of some 20 feet.

    The boys form the shape of a pyramid, and try to break the pot in an organized manner. It is customary that people standing around, throw loads on water on these boys to stop them grab the pot.

Religious significance:

The act of Dahi-handi is believed to throw away all negativities and bad-omens.

Gopis (Sanskrit word meaning a group of cow-hoarding girls), were in intense and divine love with Krishna. Rasleela was traditionally a sport, fun activity that Krishna performed with Gopis. As Krishna wanted to give every Gopi equal importance, he always stood in the middle of a circle surrounded by Gopis.

  1. In Vrindavan:

    Vrindavan till date, is drowned in Krishna bhakti. Throughout the festival of Janmashtami, young Brahmin boys gather in groups at common places and indulge in the act of Dahi-handi.The language used is “Brij Bhasha”.
  2. Types of Rasleela:

    Janamleela: throws light on the birth of lord Krishna.
    Putanaleela: Killing of demons by krishna

Janmashtmi Prasad
The most famous Prasad (divine gift from god/guru), prepared and offered at temples during  janmashtmi is “Panchamrit”.

  1. Panchamrit:

    Panch means five and amrit means nectar, it is a an important form of “prasad” served at many festivals.It is a mixture of
    • milk
    • honey/sugar
    • ghee/oil
    • curd/yoghurt
    • tulsi leaves.

    Along with panchamrit , the fruits and sweets offered to lord during Prayer can also be offered as “Prasad” .

Krishna temples

 There are thousands of temples of lord Krishna spread not only in India but all over the world. There are many organizations and trusts that maintain several temples of lord Krishna at various locations. The ISKON society is also one such organization which is dedicated to Lord Krishna’s service and has developed numerous temples of Krishna worldwide, most popular being the ISCON temple at Vrindavan (India).

  • Krishna Janma Bhoomi Mandir, Mathura
  • Banke Bihari Mandir, Vrindavan
  • Guruvayur Temple, Kerala
  • Udupi Sri Krishna Temple, Karnataka
  • Srinath Temple, Rajasthan
  • Dwarkadhish Temple, Gujarat
  • Iskon Temples in Delhi
  • Ashvakranta Temple in Guwahati
  • Govind Devji Temple in Jaipur
  • Radha Shyama Temple in Kolkata
  • Temple of Shreenathji in Nathdwara.

Janmashtami Puja

anmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna was born on the 8th day of Krishna Paksh in the month of Bhadon in Rohini nakshatra at midnight.

He was born in a prison in Mathura to Vaasudev and Mata Devaki. Shri Krishna was raised by Mata Yashoda and Nand Baba in Vrindavan. His older brother was Balram, an avtaar of Sheshnag.

Although the timing of Puja varies in Janmashtami, as the entire day is believed to be very auspicious, most people prefer to conduct Puja at mid-night. The general routine for the entire day goes like this:

Preparation for the Puja

Small image of Balkrishna

A small cradle decorated with flowers and a small potda (handkerchief is kept in the cradle)

New clothes for God’s idols

Panchamrut made out of unboiled milk, curds, ghee, honey and powdered sugar

Flowers and flower garlands, chandan, ittar

Puja Process:

  • Early in the morning, devotees give a bath to Lord Krishna, which is also termed as “abhishek”. The bathing ingredients comprise of the Gangajal, ghee, water, honey and curd.
  • Once Bal-Gopal (Shri Krishna) is given bath, devotees embellish and beautify the idol of Krishna with newly purchased jewellary, accessories and clothes. Many devotees spend days before the Janmashtami to purchase these clothes and ornaments for Krishna.
  • The idol of Krishna is then made to swing as a part of tradition.
  • Bhog (an offering to lord), comprising of fruits, kheer, pedha etc… is offered to Lord.
  • Along with all the above steps Krishna Aarti, mantras, bhajans are sung melodiously that fills the environment with positive vibrations.
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Decorative items

The most common and exquisite poses of Lord Krishna is Lord playing flute and sitting on a chawki. Beautifully decorated chawkis can even be made at home. Chunri print cloth with some lovely laces or Mauli can be used to decorate the Chawki of Lord.


it is a custom to position Krishna on a swing, This swing can be decorated with fresh flowers and hangings to make it more appealing.


Since ages it is known that Krishna’s flute vanished all negativities around, it’s a melody of divine love. Placing nice flutes on the day of Janmashtmi in one’s house is supposed to produce the same soothing effect.


Two full length hangings covering the corner walls of the door, looks extremely elegant on this occasion .They can further be decorated using Krishna pictures, small flutes, Peacock feathers etc.

Placing the picture or poster of Lord Krishna in the middle some attractive wall hangings with accessories like mirrors, stones, patch-work can be used.


Now a days many types of materials are used to make these idols with some beautiful carvings. To Decorating the idol of Lord with new clothes and ornaments is extremely popular as a Janmashtmi activity.


Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, where his parents lived in captivity of the evil Kansa and Lord Krishna as a young

The main celebrations are performed at the Dwarkadhish temple, Mathura in the form of Jhulanotsava and the Ghatas during the entire month of Shravan.

The ghatas are a unique feature of the month long celebrations. During the ghatas of a particular colour the whole temple is covered with decoration in the same colour. Even the Lord dresses up in the same colour.

The twin cities of Mathura-Vrindavan take on a festive look and spirit of devotion runs high among the people. It was on the banks of the Yamuna River where Lord Krishna played during his childhood and indulged in pranks and tricks with his friends and the gopies. There are about 400 temples dedicated to Lord Krishna in this sacred city and the major festivities are held at the Banke Bihari, Rangaji, Shri Krishna Balram temple and Gopinath temple. The Raslila of Braj is thematically the basis of many performing arts. boy came and vanquished his maternal uncle Kansa to ascend the throne and free his parents, celebrates Janmashtami with great enthusiasm.

Lord Krishna was born in the Duapar Yug which came just before the Kal Yug and Janamasthami, his birthday falls on the Ashtami Paksh or the 8th day of the new moon fortnight in the month of Bhadra some time in July or August. The Jhankis (tableaux) depicting many significant scenes from Lord Krishna's life are the intrinsic part of Janmasthami. Devotees also make beautiful Jhulans (Cradles) for the baby Krishna.

In some parts of India, young men break the Matkas (Earthen Pots) filled with butter and curds. The most important tableux is that of baby Krishna. An idol of baby Krishna is placed on a cradle, which is rocked to recreate scenes from Krishna's infancy. The devotees believe that anyone who makes a wish and while rocking the cradle in which the Lord is, his or her wish will be granted on this day. Other popular Jhankis are Kaaliya Mardan (vanquishing the black snake Kali Nag), Kansha vadha (Killing Kansha) and lifting the Govardhan Parbhat.

In Brindavan, every year the Raaslilas or the folk theatre acting out Krishnas life stories begin much before the Janmasthami day. These Raaslilas are staged by professional drama troupes or even young children. These dramas are characterised by colourful costumes and equally colourful backgrounds. Raaslilas are usually accompanied by musicians and are very popular among the people. The language spoken by the actors and the actresses is the Brajbhasha but sometimes Hindi is also used.

In Maharashtra, Janmashtami witnesses the exuberant enactment of the god's childhood endeavors to steal butter and curd from earthen pots beyond his reach.

In Maharashtra, earthen pots of curd and butter are hung up over the streets. Young men enacting an episode from Krishna's childhood form human pyramids by climbing on each other's shoulders and try to break these pots.

In Maharashtra, youths celebrate it by breaking clay pots called 'Dahi-Handi', filled with curd and butter suspended high above the ground, young men and children form human pyramid to reach the pot and break it. This custom follows the habit of Lord Krishna who used to steal butter in this manner from villagers along with his friends. The reason for this is that Gokul; the place where lord Krishna spent his childhood used to generate a lot of milk and the people used to sell it in Mathura, thus depriving their children from milk and butter which is very essential for young boys and girls.
In South India, Janmashtami or Gokulashtami is celebrated with prayers, devotional renditions and offering of fruits and special prasadams to Lord Krishna. In some houses, a typical setting of 'Gokulam' is arranged with mud images of Devaki, Vasudeva with little Krishna perched in a basket on his head, a cow, besides other things related to Krishna's legends.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

 Janmashtmi Bhajans

"Bhajan" refers to something that is bhaavyam (sacred or holy). Bhaavyam is the Atma Tathwa (Principle of Atma) which is divyam (self-effulgent). The letters "Ja" in the word

Bhajan singing is one of the most important part of the entire janmashtmi celebration. These bhajans are sang till mid-night and produce a very enthralling experience for all those who listen to it.  bhajan denotes japa (chanting of the Lord's name). Hence Bhajan & Japa are one and the same.
1. Shyam chudi bechne aaya

Manihari ka bhesh banaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Galiyon mein shor machaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya
Radha ne suni Lalita se kahi,Mohan ko turant bulaya
Shyam chudi bechne aaya, Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya

Chudi laal nahi pehnu,Chudi hari nahi pehnu
Mujhe Shyam rang hai bhaaya, Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya, Shyam chudi bechne aaya

Radha pehnan lagi,Shyam pehnane lage
Radha ne haath badaya, Shyam chudi bechne aaya
ka bhesh banaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya
Radha kehne lagi ,Tum toh chhaliya
Bade dheere se haath dabaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya, 
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya, 
Manihari ka bhesh banaya,Shyam chudi bechne aaya, 
Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,Chhaliya ka bhesh banaya,  
Shyam chudi bechne aaya.
2. Bhajo Radhe Govinda

Bhajo Radhe Govinda,Gopala Tera pyara naam hai

Gopala Tera pyara naam hai,Nandalala Tera pyara naam hai

Mor mukat maathe tilak viraje,Gale vaijanthimala Gale vaijanthimala

Koi kahe Vasudev ka Nandan,Koi kahe Nandalala Koi kahe Nandalala
Bhajo Radhe Govinda

Gaj aur Grehe lade jal bitar,Jal mein chakra chalaya Jal mein chakra chalaya

Jab jab bhid padi bhagaton par,Nanggi pairin dhaya Nanggi pairin dhaya
Bhajo Radhe Govinda.

3. Mere Pyare Madan Gopal

Choti choti gaiyan, chote chote gawaal,
chote se mere, madan gopal

mor mukut mathe saaje, gale mein swaranmaal,

chote se mere madan gopal,

Kaano mein karanphool, haathon mein ratnajadhit hath haar,

chote se mere madan gopal,

pitamber saaje tan pe, uspe sundar motiyon ki maal
chote se mere madan gopal,
pairon mein jhanjhar sohe, jab nache hari angana dwaar.
Chote se mere madan gopal, 
Bhaye sab ke mann ko bal gopal,Karke solah shringar, 
chote se mere Madan Gopal
4. Darshan Do Ghanshyam

Darashan do ghanashyam naath mori,Ankhiyan pyaasi re 
Man mandir ki jyoti jagaado,Ghat ghat basi re  
Mandir mandir murat teri ,Phir bhi naa dikhe surat teri 
Yug bite naa aai milan ki ,Puranamasi re 
Dwaar dayaa kaa jab tu khole ,Pancham sur mein gungaa bole
 Andhaa dekhe langadaa chal kar ,Pahunche kasi re 
Paani pi kar pyaas bujhaun ,Nainon ko kaise samajhaaun 
Aankh michauli chhodo ab ,Man ke basi re 
Nibarl ke bal dhaan nidharn ke ,Tum rakhwaale bhakt janon ke
 Tere bhajan mein sab sukh paun,Mite udasi re 
Naam jape par tujhe naa jaane ,Unako bhi tu apanaa maane 
Teri dayaa kaa ant nahin hai ,He dukh nashi re 
Aaj phaisalaa tere dwaar par ,Meri jit hai teri haar par 
Har jit hai teri main to ,Charan upaasi re
 Dwaar khadaa kab se matavaalaa ,Maange tum se har tumhaari 
Narasi ki ye binati sunalo ,Bhakt vilaasi re
 Laj naa lut jaaye prabhu teri ,Naath karo naa dayaa mein deri 
Tin lok chhod kar aao ,Gangaa nivasi re