The event also venerates the contribution of the forests. Every year March 21 is distinguished as World Forestry Day.
A forest just doesn’t mean trees only but it’s an entire complex, living community.
Many interdependent populations of plants and animals too dwell beneath the forest canopy; the forest soil is a home to large variety of invertebrates, bacteria and fungi which play an essential role in cycling nutrients in the soil and the forest.
The reckless felling of trees is creating many problems in the surroundings so the need of the hour says that everybody should ponder seriously over it.
Everybody should actively involve themselves in prevention and creation of new forests.
According to rules of Forest Deptt, 10 trees should be planted in place of cutting of one tree. Though in last two decades only 1% trees are planted.
The survival of the rich generation of flora and fauna in the country is in danger due to exploitation of forests, cutting of forests in Hilly areas is loosening the soil, thus the upper layer of fertile earth is eroding which is resulting in uncontrolled rain and flood. India economy largely depends on agriculture.
Erosion is seriously effecting the agricultural production.
Importance of Forests
Forest has been of great importance to mankind since prehistoric days. Forest provides multiple benefits to environment, people, and animals. Today the forest coverage is reduced to only 30% as opposed to 60% earlier. We are paying the cost of development by reduction in vegetation (by clearing of forests) to lead the path for mines, towns and roads.
Forests, supply many products like timber for making furniture, houses, ships and railway sleepers, plywood, fuel wood or charcoal, paper, processed wood products like cellophane, plastics, synthetic fibers like rayon and nylon, rubber from the latex of rubber tree.
Fruits, nuts and spices are gathered from the forest. A lot of medicinal plants such as camphor, cinchona also come from the forests.
The roots of the trees hold the soil together and thus help to conserve soil by preventing rapid runoff of water after heavy rain and minimizing flooding. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into air which is needed to breath by the mankind.
Vegetation affects local and global climate. Trees form a protective cover of the earth as well as provide shelter to the wild animals and protect all the living beings from the solar heat and temperature. Trees absorb heat, thus helps to regulate the temperature of earth. Similarly natural wildlife is important for it is an important part of the lifecycle.
Forests reduce light reflection, offer a sound barrier and help guide wind direction and speed.