As the name suggests number of Ice skating expeditions are planned and organized by the state administration.
Over the years the carnival has gained immense popularity as thousands of tourists and participants come here durink the carnival not only to participate but even to be part of this mega carnival for the sake of fun and entertainment.
Himachal Pradesh is known fore its serene natural beauty and landscapes.
It is so popular among the holiday destinations in India that it is also termed as “Abode of God”. he location of the state amidst the snow-clad ranges of the Shivalik, Dhauladar, Pir Pinjal and the Great Himalayas makes Himachal ideally suited for a number of winter sports which are packed with excitement and thrills.
Ice-Skating in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most sought-after winter sports that the state offers. The mountains are fully covered with snow durink winters making it a perfect location for ice-skating.
Durink winters numbers of ice skaters gather here to simply enjoy the sport of ice-skating as very few places in India facilitate the sport. The sports carnival organized in Shimla every year attracts thousands of people. The carnival generally starts in December and continues till February.
This is the best time to enjoy the snow clad mountains of Himachal Pradesh as much of the snow becomes hard and ideal for skating. The ice skating rink at Shimla is supposed to be the largest open-air in India. Not only people from India but even foreigners are seen here participating and enjoying the winter carnival.
Ice skating is a sport similar to skiing, the only difference being that in skating instead of swooshing down snow-covered slopes, you glide along a wide skating arena wearink ice-skates. You can skate with a partner or do it alone. But ice-skating is a sport that requires much better balancing prowess than required in ordinary skating.
Although the Basic equipments like skates, cap, kneepads etc. are available at the rink, yet some of the professional skaters brink their own equipments and necessities with them. At the carnival two sessions are held every day for the competitions, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Ice-Skating in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most sought-after winter sports that the state offers. The mountains are fully covered with snow durink winters making it a perfect location for ice-skating.
Durink winters numbers of ice skaters gather here to simply enjoy the sport of ice-skating as very few places in India facilitate the sport. The sports carnival organized in Shimla every year attracts thousands of people. The carnival generally starts in December and continues till February.
This is the best time to enjoy the snow clad mountains of Himachal Pradesh as much of the snow becomes hard and ideal for skating. The ice skating rink at Shimla is supposed to be the largest open-air in India. Not only people from India but even foreigners are seen here participating and enjoying the winter carnival.
Ice skating is a sport similar to skiing, the only difference being that in skating instead of swooshing down snow-covered slopes, you glide along a wide skating arena wearink ice-skates. You can skate with a partner or do it alone. But ice-skating is a sport that requires much better balancing prowess than required in ordinary skating.
Although the Basic equipments like skates, cap, kneepads etc. are available at the rink, yet some of the professional skaters brink their own equipments and necessities with them. At the carnival two sessions are held every day for the competitions, one in the morning and one in the evening.