Showing posts with label in=mportance of Eid ul Fitr-roza Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in=mportance of Eid ul Fitr-roza Festival. Show all posts

25 April, 2010

Eid ul Fitr Festival

Eid-ul-Fitr, popularly known as the "Festival of the Breaking of the Fast", occurs as soon as the new moon is sighted at the end of the month of fasting, namely Ramadan.

This festival celebrates the end of Ramzan, the Muslim month of fasting. It is an occasion of feasting and rejoicing.

Fitr is derived from the word ‘fatar’ meaning breaking. Fitr has another meaning derived from another word fitrah meaning ‘alms’.

Special foods and delicacies are prepared for the day and are distributed among neighbours and friends.
The devotees gather in the mosques to pray, friends and relatives meet and exchange greetings.

Prayers, family get-togethers and feasts are the major highlights of the festival.

Unlike most festivals, Ramadan doesn’t fall on any particular day. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year.

It is usually a time for increased religious devotion and self-examination.


The Idgah is a large place especially set aside for the large congregation who will attend the special Eid prayer early in the morning and can be an open field or flat piece of ground.

On this festival the people, having previously distributed the alms, assemble in the vast Idgah, and, being led by the Imam, recite prayers.

It is only used as such on festival days for congregational prayers, the proper place always being the mosque on other occasions.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Allah gave Prophet Muhammad the Holy Quran. One day, Muhammad had a vision in which the angel Jibril told him how Allah wanted people to live.

Allah's words were revealed to Muhammad through the angel over a period of 23 years, and the words were written down to form the Quran. Ramadan is celebrated to remember this very special month.


Islam follows a unique approach in celebrating Eid. After the namaz, Muslims are supposed to celebrate the day in a responsible manner, greeting one another at home and in the neighborhood. Children receive gifts and sweets on this special occasion.

Everyone begins their day by taking a bath in the morning, wearing new clothes and eating dates before going to the mosque.

Men usually wear white clothes symbolizing purity and austerity. Alms are distributed to the poor. The Id special prayer ‘Do Rakat Namaz’ is performed in the morning in the mosque.

Sadaqah Fitr or charitable gift is a dole to break the fast. The grains and the quantities which are given to the poor are specified in the Quran.

People visit each other's homes and take part in the festive meals with special dishes, beverages and desserts.

The most common food item that is eaten during this time is vermicelli cooked in sweetened milk.

Across Countries

Ramadan being one of the most important festivals of Islamic calendar is celebrated with great enthusiasm in many countries.

Although some basic rules and festivities remain the same, the scale of celebrations varies from one country to another.

Today, there are many countries with a fairly large Muslim population, who give their citizens right to exercise their customs in their traditional manner.
  1. United Kingdom:

    Although in United Kingdom there is not a public holIday on this day, the day usually begins with the Imam asking the Muslim community to forgive and forget all their past animosities with a speech called “Khutbah”, followed which they offer prayer to Lord.
  1. North America:

    Mostly it’s a quite day in North America as many people there wait for e-mails, posts or any other way of information to know if Moon was observed on the eve and if it is to be celebrated as end of Ramadan.
  2. India:

    as the population of Muslims in India is certainly very high, it is celebrated across all communities with full happiness and vigor. The most famous place in India for Eid celebration till date is Jama MasjId, New Delhi.
  3. Iran:

    It is more often a quite and personal celebration in Iran, with meat or Kurbani, consIdered to be an expensive dish is distributed by the effluent classes to those who are poorer. This form of charity on kind is very popular.
  4. South Africa:

    Thousands of people gather in Cape Town to sight moon on the eve of Ramadan, the eve is celebrated with great enthusiasm with every one getting something to share in form of food.


The rituals and customs that are followed during this festival are:

After witnessing the new moon on the last day of Ramadan, the next day- Eid, starts with taking bath, wearing fresh new clothes and having breakfast usually of Date fruits. Then devotees move to nearest mosques to offer prayers to Allah.

  1. Takbir: Before starting of mass prayers, Takbir is recited.

    (Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar)

    (laa ilaaha illAllahah)

    (Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar)

    (wa li-illaahil-hamd)
"God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest,
There is no deity but God
God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest
and to God goes all praise"
  1. Namaz:

    Takbir is then followed by the main Eid Prayer,“Namaz” in Islamic term.
  2. Zakat al-fitr:

    A religious act of charity by offering poor people with Alms is carried out. This should contain about 2 Kg, of basic food material including wheat, barley, dates, raisins, etc, or its equivalent in cash. This is not distributed indivIdually, but collected in the mosque.
  3. Greetings:

    common greetings during this day is Arabic phrase of “‘Id Mubarak”, while different countries use different greetings.

Eid ka Chand

Most of the Muslim festivals including the start and end of Ramadan, the festival of Eid are all based on actual sighting of the crescent of the new moon.

This crescent if is less than 12 hrs old cannot be seen with naked eyes, only when 20-30 hours old can it is visible with naked eyes.

That’s the reason why many of the Muslim communities appoint a “Hilal”, which is a Crescent sighting community especially for this purpose and to calculate the dates of Islamic calendar.

The factors that majorly affect the sighting of a new moon are:

  • Distance at that moment of moon from Earth.
  • The height of the observer above sea level.
  • Clarity of atmosphere.
  • Wind directions.
  • The eye-sight quality of the observer.

Ramadan Fast

O who believe, fasting is decreed for you
as it was decreed for those before you;
perchance you will guard yourselves....
The month of Ramadan is the month
in which the Koran was sent down,
a guIdance for the people,
and clear verses of guIdance and criterion.
[Quran: Chapter 2, 183]

Ramadan, which is the ninth month in Islamic calendar, is a holy month of Islam which requires every Muslim to perform obligatory fast. Fasting has great religious significance for Muslims as it teaches self-restriction and patience. Fasting is one of the five major pillars of Islam, and every Muslim above age of 12 has to observe fast as a part of his duty.

Ramadan continues for 29 or 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar of that year.During the month of Ramadan, daily fasts begin at dawn and end with sunset.

Special nightly prayers called, Taraweeh prayers are held. Quran is recited in these prayers in Mosques all around the world.

This month provIdes an opportunity for Muslims to get closer to God.

The significance of Ramadan comes from the belief that, it was during this month that holy Quran was sent down from heaven.
Ramadan fasting rules:

Strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims during the Fast of Ramadan. They are not allowed to eat or drink until the sun is present.

Smoking and sexual relations are also forbIdden during fasting. At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal called the “iftar”.

In the evening following the iftar it is customary for Muslims to go out visiting family and friends.

The fast is resumed the next morning

According to the Holy Quran:
One may eat and drink at any time during the night "until you can plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the daylight: then keep the fast until night"

Eid Prayer

The Eid prayer was prescribed in the first year after “Hijra”.It is believed that Prophet performed the prayer on every Eid and also prescribed it for every Muslim that is the prayer is ‘wajib’ (compulsory).

The Eid prayer always begins when the Sun is three meters from the Horizan until it reaches its merIdian. There is a rule that no prayer should precede or succeed the “Eid Prayer”.
  • The Eid prayer consists of two ra'kat, with six or thirteen additional Takbirs during which it is Sunnah to pronounce the takbir seven times, after the opening takbir and before the Quranic recital in the first rak'ah.

During the second rak'ah, one makes takbir five times after the takbir which is customarily made for standing after the prostration.

  • One is to raise one's hands during each pronouncement of the takbir.
  • The khutbah after salatul 'Eid is a sunnah and so is listening to it.

  • He person reciting the Khutba is the lead of the prayer and is called the khateeb.anyone can recite the Khutba provIded that he is male along with physical and mental purity.
  • During the Khutbah, the Imam must remind the community about its responsibilities and obligations towards Allah, fellow Muslims and the fellow human beings.
  • The Muslim community must also be directed to the state of the community and the Ummah at large and the feelings of sacrifice and Jihaad should be aroused in the community.
After Eid-Ul-Fitr Prayer

Eid-Ul-Fitr, one of the most important festivals of Muslims is the festival to spread happiness and love among all the relatives and near and dear ones.

The day starts with taking bath, wearing new clothes and reciting the Eid Prayer.

After the prayer on this day there is a get together at all the Muslims houses where all their near and dear ones accompany them in the Eid meals.

Muslims wish each other “Eid Mubarak” that means Happy Eid. All the children receive gifts as a token of love from all their relatives as Eid is the day to exchange gifts among each other.

The entire is day is marked with the triumph and happiness spread all around and adding to the occasion of Eid-Ul-Fitr.

Eid Importance

As the holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad during this month, the month of Ramadan is supposed to be a holy month for Muslims.

It is also believed that the doors of heaven are open and that of hell closed during this month.

Thus, these complete one month is devoted to thank god for all that he has gifted to human beings and Muslims detach themselves from eating and any pleasures and devote this month to offer prayers to Allah.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the month of Shawwal starts after this.

It is a month of Soul purification. It is only after seeing the crescent moon that Muslims break their fast and celebrate Eid.

Eid is seen as the time to forgive all animosities and celebrate with friends and family, exchange gifts, visit places, serve delicacies, etc.

Ramadan Recipes

As the occasion of Id-ul-Fitr, marks the end of a month long season of fast for Muslims, they treat each other and make varieties of delicacies and also distribute them to poor and neighbors. Some of the common recipes are:

Badam Phirni

Milk2 Cups
Rice2 Tbsp
Sugar3 Tbsp
almonds (sliced)1/4th Cup
Green cardamom (crushed)1 Tsp
Kewra essence1/2 Tsp
Silver foil paper

Method Of preparation:

  • After soaking rice in water for some time, drain the water out and crush them finely.
  • Put milk in a pan, and, over a moderately low heat add rice, sugar and cardamom and stir constantly till milk thickens.
  • Remove the prepared mixture from heat and add almonds to it.
  • Chill it for sometime.
  • Serve in a bowl, garnishing with silver foil paper.
  1. Sheer Korma:


    Vermicelli1 packet
    Fresh whole milk1 gallon
    Sugar1 Cup
    Whole cardamom pods20 cloves
    Cardamom powder1/2 tsp
    Slivered almond, cashews and pistachios1 cup
    Fresh cream1/2 cup
    Saffron strands1/2 tsp
    Charoli nuts3 tbsp
    Light brown raisins1/2 cup
    Rose water1/2 Tsp

Method of preparation:

  • Use butter to fry vermicelli until brown in color and butter dries.
  • Add sugar and fry again.
  • Add whole milk slowly pouring it in, stirring constantly, and bring it to boil.
  • Add raisins, whole cardamom, slivered almonds, cashews and pistachios and the remaining sugar.
  • Thicken the SHEER KORMA to three-strand consistency, letting the milk boil until it is halved.
  • Vermicelli should be very soft.
  • Quickly add rose water, charoli and fresh cream and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Serve the Korma garnishing with saffron strands and powdered cardamom.

  1. Nawabi Biryani:


    500 grams Basmati Rice
    1kg Mutton (cut into small pieces)
    2 tsp. Garam Masala.
    6 Red chilies
    7 Cashew nuts
    Onions. (Chopped)
    5 Lavang (Cloves)
    2 Dalchini (Cinnamon Sticks)
    2 pieces of Elaichi (Cardamom)
    3 Green chilies (add more according to your taste)
    6 Kothmir (chopped Fresh coriander)
    1 small bunch Pudina chopped
    Ginger Garlic paste
    3 tsp. Saffron. (Dissolved in ¾ cup milk)
    beaten curd one cup
    Juice of 2 Limes, 4 boiled eggs, Ghee /Oil 5 tbsp.

    Method of Preparation:

    • Grind the chilies and Cashew nuts.
    Mix mutton pieces with the ginger-garlic paste and beaten curd and Keep asIde. Heat four tablespoons ghee or oil and fry the chili paste. To this add the mutton, ¼ of the fried onion, 1tsp garam masala and salt to taste. As the ghee separates from the mixture, add one and a half cups warm water and pressure cook till softens. Take a wIde vessel, fry the whole spices in 1 tbsp. ghee/oil. Now, add rice, green chilies and salt to taste and enough water for the rice to cook. and fry a little, When the rice is cooked, spread it on a plate and put the spices (sabut masala) and make a Pudina mixture of the chopped Kothmir, Pudina, garam masala and fried onion and keep asIde. Take another wIde vessel (thick bottom) and line it with ghee, spread a layer of rice in it and cover it with half the mutton. Put a layer of rice followed by a mutton layer and finish with a final layer of rice. Spread the rice with saffron milk and some ghee. Cover tightly and cook for twenty minutes over slow flame. Serve it hot.

Eid messages

Assalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh -
May God's peace and blessings be upon you
Wishing you a very Happy Eid Mubarak.
May the Mercy & Blessing's of the Almighty be with you, your family, and friends during this auspicious Eid Blessings Day and continue to be always, and May Allah (swt) have accepted all our prayers/duas during this blessed month of Ramadan, insha'Allah (God Willing).
May your year ahead continue to be filled with a healthy, wealthy, and prosperity life, and May you have a Joyous and Spirited Eid Mubarak (Blessings) day with all your dear ones, including people of all faiths and humanity, filled with Love, Peace, and Happiness ....
Have A Most Blessed Festival Of Nature.
Respectfully in Prayers & Duas always/ wa Salaam

Eid a Thanksgiving Day
'Eid a Day of remembrance
'Eid a Day of victory
'Eid a Harvest Day
'Eid a Day of forgiveness
'Eid a Day of peace

  • I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.Eid Mubarik
  • May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always. Eid Mubarik
  • No shadows to depress u, Only joys to surround u, God himself to bless u, these r my wishes for u, Today, tomorrow, and every day. Eid Mubarik.
  • May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness,ur heart with love,ur soul with spirtual, ur mind with wisdom, wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarik
  • As the candle light flame,Ur life may always be happiness claim;
    As the mountain high,U move without sigh;
    like the white linen flair,Purity is always an affair;As sunshine creates morning glory,fragrance fills years as flory;
    with the immaculate eternal smile,attached to u mile after mile;All darkness is far away,As light is on its way;
  • He is the one GOD;
    the Creator, the Initiate, the Designer.
    To Him belong the most beautiful names…
    He is the Almighty, Most Wise.